Danny Estrada - Colby Olsen Foundation -Rainbow Dream Garden - Community Development
Volunteers In Action - Progress - Community - Teamwork - Accredited Program - Scholarships - Better Together
Photos & Media
September 11, 2022 - We are getting closer to our goal! Thanks to all of our hard-working volunteers for killing it today! We only have 8 more bins to remove and then we can load these bad boys up and get them ready for our schools! Thank you again to our volunteers Hunter Noble, Ian Turner, and Mr. Wonderful. Can’t wait to get these installed!! If anyone wants to volunteer to help we always need people. Feel free to DM and I can give you the details! https://www.facebook.com/danny.estrada.549
October 20, 2022 - We have donated seeds, tools, soil and garden bins to one of our schools! Thanks to all of our volunteers and donations and donors from Ace Hardware Country Club Rd. for all of your efforts.